Kara David: A woman who unknowingly but unsurprisingly became a huge influence on my life.

Athena Avelino
2 min readFeb 1, 2021


Journalism Skills, Blog Entry №1

A woman who unknowingly but unsurprisingly became a huge influence on my life.

You would think it was the career guidance and assessment tests that helped me choose a course and career path, but no, those left me even more confused. Instead, it was a documentary film that was played during my junior high class that opened my eyes to the world of media and journalism. That day in school was when I knew what I truly wanted to be and do.

There I was, sitting at the back of the class, watching with utter amazement and ears perked with interest, the documentary “Ambulansyang de paa” by a woman determined to bring the truth to light.

“Ako po si Kara David, at ito po ang i-Witness.”

With passion, sincerity, and confidence folded beneath every word, Kara David’s gift of storytelling jumps through the screen. She is able to hook the public’s attention and immerse them in the realities of our country.

Not only that, her hands-on effort to cross the rocky mountains and raging rivers; and experience firsthand the people’s stories and experiences make her documentaries even more authentic and powerful.

Reasons why I admire her doesn’t stop there; I applaud how she doesn’t stop after the production “wrap.” She proceeds to take action on the problems raised in her documentaries, like the Project Malasakit that has helped oppressed Filipino children go to school and the outreach programs that continue to support the remote communities in our country.

Lastly, Kara David not only educates us on the issues in our country but also empowers individuals, gives them a platform and helps their voices be heard no matter how difficult the journey towards the truth is.

To this day, Kara David continues to inspire me and is one of the reasons I am here now, a proud communication student ready to one day be a voice to the voiceless.



Athena Avelino

Communication student | Living creatively through the beauty of stories |